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Online query of the Hong Kong companies where the target serves as a director


1. 通過人名、公司名稱和公司商業註冊號,即時查詢其在哪些香港公司中擔任董事。

Instantly query which Hong Kong companies the target serves as a director in by using their name, company name, and business registration number.

2. 人名、公司名稱或公司商業登記號只可選其一進行單次查詢。

Only one of the name, company name or company business registration number can be selected for a single search.


Please enter the first 8 digits of the company's business registration number. Each inquiry service has a procurement cost. If the customer inputs incorrect information and results in no inquiry results, our company cannot issue a refund. Please check the information carefully before inquiry to ensure that the information submitted is accurate.

4. 返回的結果為空時,代表查詢對象沒有在任何香港公司擔任董事。

If the returned result is empty, it means that the query subject does not serve as a director in any Hong Kong company.

5. 付款查詢後,頁面將跳轉至我的訂單頁,您可刷新此頁,當顯示查看按鈕時,即可在線查看相關信息。

After payment inquiry, the page will jump to my order page. You can refresh this page and when the view button is displayed, you can view the relevant information online.

6. 請在查看信息後,及時截圖或者複製保存信息到本地。

Please take a screenshot or copy and save it locally after browsing the information.


Remarks: The server is under maintenance from 00:00 to 5:00 (China time) every day, and data is temporarily unavailable.


50(CNY)每次/$7.9USDeach time


30分鐘(正常情況下) / 30 Minutes (Under Normal Circumstances)

中文名稱/Traditional Chinese Name:


① Fill in the order of surname + first name. For example, “李明天” and “明天李” are two completely different names and will produce different search results.
② You can enter Simplified Chinese or Traditional Chinese. We will display the search results corresponding to Simplified and Traditional names. For example, if you enter “张三”, the result returned will be a collection of results for the names “张三”and“張三”.

英文名稱/English Name:
   姓 Famliy Name    名 Fisrt Name


(You can choose either Chinese name or English name to search, or you can fill in both)

公司英文名稱/Company English Name:

公司中文名稱/Company Chinese Name:


(You can choose either Chinese name or English name to search, or you can fill in both)

公司商業登記號/Company Business Registration Number:
  • 其他產品推薦 Other Product Recommendation:

    Ⅰ.公司調查報告 Company Investigation Report

    * 簡單版本-Brief Report
    * 詳細版本-Detailed Report
    * 專業版-Professional Report
    * 企業信用報告-Credit Report

    Ⅱ.人員調查報告 Personnel Investigation Report

    * 董事名下在港公司 Director Hong Kong Company
    * 香港公司主要人員報告-Hong Kong Company Key Personnel Report
    * 香港公司最終受益人報告-Hong Kong Company UBO Report

    Ⅲ.定制服務 Customized Service

    * 定制报告 Customization Report
    * 董事關聯香港公司調查報告-Hong Kong Companies Related to Directors Report
    * 批量查詢多家香港公司現任股東信息-The Information of Current Shareholders of Several Hong Kong Companies Report

    Ⅳ.年卡套餐 Annual Card

    * 簡單版本年卡 Brief Version Annual Card
    * 詳細版本年卡 Detailed Version Annual Card
    * 專業版本年卡 Professional Version Annual Card