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數據定制 Data Customization


交付時間-Delivery : 工作日24個小時內-Within 24 hours of Working Day

請勾選您需要定制的信息 Please check the information you need to customize

當前總價格為 The current price is: ¥0.00 / $0.00    

公司地址 Company Address
即時企業狀態 Real-Time Enterprise Status
首任股東 First Shareholder
現任股東 Current Shareholders
首任董事信息(包含名稱及通訊地址)First Director (Include name and correspondence address)
現任董事名稱(不包含通訊地址)Current Director(Correspondence address not included)
現任董事信息(包含通訊地址)Current Director(Include correspondence address)
首任秘書 First Secretary
現任秘書(不包含電話、傳真、郵箱)Current Secretary (Telephone, fax and e-mail not included)
現任秘書信息(包含電話、傳真、郵箱)Current Secretary(Include telephone, fax and e-mail)
公司發行及實繳股本 Company Issued and Paid-up Share Capital
現任股東持股比例 Shareholding Ratio of Current Shareholders
Note: The "correspondence address" mentioned above is provided when the member is a legal entity. If it is a natural person, only the region is provided.

PDF version

Note that if you require us to provide a PDF version of the information, we will charge an additional 10% fee.


The content includes:Company Address, Real-Time Enterprise Status, First Shareholder, Current Shareholders, First Director, Current Director, First Secretary, Current Secretary, Company Issued and Paid-up Share Capital and Shareholding Ratio of Current Shareholders. Due to the nature of the Registered Non-Hong Kong Company, we cannot inquire about Registered Non-Hong Kong Company shareholder information for you. If it is the public company limited by shares, only particulars of member(s) who held 5% or more of the issued shares in any class of the company's shares are displayed. Payment means that you have understood the instructions above. Our reports are manully produced, and will be verified again. We promised that the content of our report is the latest info as of the date of your order. (Note: Each individual items included in the Information shall be provided only when available.)

我已查閱報告樣本,且已閱讀 《香港數據集報告購買協議》,並認同我司協議內容,確定購買該企業報告。 I have read the report sample, and have read the 《Hong Kong Dataset Report Purchase Agreement》, and agree with the contents of the agreement, and confirm the purchase of the enterprise report.

  • 其他產品推薦 Other Product Recommendation:

    Ⅰ.公司調查報告 Company Investigation Report

    * 簡單版本-Brief Report
    * 詳細版本-Detailed Report
    * 專業版-Professional Report
    * 企業信用報告-Credit Report

    Ⅱ.人員調查報告 Personnel Investigation Report

    * 董事名下在港公司 Director Hong Kong Company
    * 香港公司主要人員報告-Hong Kong Company Key Personnel Report
    * 香港公司最終受益人報告-Hong Kong Company UBO Report

    Ⅲ.定制服務 Customized Service

    * 定制报告 Customization Report
    * 董事關聯香港公司調查報告-Hong Kong Companies Related to Directors Report
    * 批量查詢多家香港公司現任股東信息-The Information of Current Shareholders of Several Hong Kong Companies Report

    Ⅳ.年卡套餐 Annual Card

    * 簡單版本年卡 Brief Version Annual Card
    * 詳細版本年卡 Detailed Version Annual Card
    * 專業版本年卡 Professional Version Annual Card