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香港公司最終受益人報告-Hong Kong Company UBO Report

香港公司最終受益人報告-Hong Kong Company UBO Report

香港公司最終受益人報告,報告內容包括現任董事及該董事在港名下所有公司、現任股東及其股本的信息。 如果股東為香港公司我們會為您繼續查詢到最終受益的自然人(如果股東公司為離岸公司,例如註冊地址為開曼群島等,我們暫不提供查詢服務,您可購買該公司的信用報告)。 由於每個公司的人員情況複雜程度不同,我們建議您先購買該公司的主要人員報告,確定有需要最終受益人报告再購買此產品,我們會根據已购买的主要人員報告的信息重新定價。香港公司最終受益人報告为人工製作,並且會進行二次审核,保證報告內容為被調查公司截止您下單日期可查詢的最新變更信息。

"Hong Kong Company Ultimate Beneficial Owner Report", including information on the current director and all companies under the director's name in Hong Kong, current shareholders and share capital. If the shareholder is a Hong Kong company, we will continue to check for you the ultimate beneficiary natural person(If the shareholder company is an offshore company, for example, the registered address is the Cayman Islands, etc., we do not provide inquiry services, and you can purchase the company's credit report). Due to the complexity of each company's personnel situation, we recommend that you purchase the company's "Key Personnel Report"  first, after you confirm that you need the "Ultimate Beneficial Owner Report"  and then purchase this product, we will re-price it based on the information of the "Key Personnel Report". The report is manully produced, and will be verified again. We promised that the content of our report is the latest info as of the date of your order.

2-3個工作日(Working Days)

我已查閱報告樣本,且已閱讀 《香港數據集報告購買協議》,並認同貴司協議內容,確定購買該企業報告。 I have read the report sample, and have read the Hong Kong Dataset Report Purchase Agreement, and agree with the contents of the agreement, and confirm the purchase of the enterprise report.

我已提交 《信息查詢人信息及聲明》。 信息提交聲明只需提交一次,之後您再次購買《主要人員報告》和《最終受益人報告》將無需再重複填寫相關資料,請您知悉。 I have filled in the "Information Query Person Information and Statement". The information submission statement only needs to be submitted once, pyou will no longer need to fill in the relevant information when you purchase the "Key Personnel Report" and "UBO Report" again.

  • 其他產品推薦 Other Product Recommendation:

    Ⅰ.公司調查報告 Company Investigation Report

    * 簡單版本-Brief Report
    * 詳細版本-Detailed Report
    * 專業版-Professional Report
    * 企業信用報告-Credit Report

    Ⅱ.人員調查報告 Personnel Investigation Report

    * 董事名下在港公司 Director Hong Kong Company
    * 香港公司主要人員報告-Hong Kong Company Key Personnel Report
    * 香港公司最終受益人報告-Hong Kong Company UBO Report

    Ⅲ.定制服務 Customized Service

    * 定制报告 Customization Report
    * 董事關聯香港公司調查報告-Hong Kong Companies Related to Directors Report
    * 批量查詢多家香港公司現任股東信息-The Information of Current Shareholders of Several Hong Kong Companies Report

    Ⅳ.年卡套餐 Annual Card

    * 簡單版本年卡 Brief Version Annual Card
    * 詳細版本年卡 Detailed Version Annual Card
    * 專業版本年卡 Professional Version Annual Card