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被调查公司-Investigated company:





Company background, share capital information, main stuff (details of the company's first and current secretary, details of the company's first and current shareholders, first and current directors), customs data, executed person information, company risk and patent related information, and all current directors' Hong Kong companies. etc. Our reports are manully produced, and will be verified again. We promised that the content of our report is the latest info as of the date of your order.

The Annual Card members enjoy priority treatment.

2-3工作日(Working Days)

我已查閱報告樣本,且已閱讀 《香港數據集報告購買協議》,並認同我司協議內容,確定購買該企業報告。 I have read the report sample, and have read the 《Hong Kong Dataset Report Purchase Agreement》, and agree with the contents of the agreement, and confirm the purchase of the enterprise report.

信息包括:企業背景(工商信息,控股企業,變更記錄,現任董事資訊, 主要人員(首任股東創辦人名稱,首任秘書相關資料,現任秘書名稱,首任董事名稱),現任股東名單等。我們的報告都是人工製作,並且會進行二次审核。我們保證報告的內容為截至下單日期的最新查詢信息。


Including: company background, main stuff (first shareholder, first and current secretary, etc) , current shareholders, etc. Our reports are manully produced, and will be verified again. We promised that the content of our report is the latest info as of the date of your order.

The Annual Card members enjoy priority treatment.

1-3工作日(Working Days)

我已查閱報告樣本,且已閱讀 《香港數據集報告購買協議》,並認同我司協議內容,確定購買該企業報告。 I have read the report sample, and have read the 《Hong Kong Dataset Report Purchase Agreement》, and agree with the contents of the agreement, and confirm the purchase of the enterprise report.



Company background, share capital information, main stuff (details of the company's first and current secretary, details of the company's first and current shareholders, first and current directors), customs data, executed person information, company risk and patent related information, and one current directors' Hong Kong companies. etc. Our reports are manully produced, and will be verified again. We promised that the content of our report is the latest info as of the date of your order.

The Annual Card members enjoy priority treatment.

2-3工作日(Working Days)

我已查閱報告樣本,且已閱讀 《香港數據集報告購買協議》,並認同我司協議內容,確定購買該企業報告。 I have read the report sample, and have read the 《Hong Kong Dataset Report Purchase Agreement》, and agree with the contents of the agreement, and confirm the purchase of the enterprise report.

信息包括:企業基本信息介紹, 定型態和歷史(包含概述、營運地址變更、董事變更、公司秘書、上次年報日期、目前的公司搜索顯示該公司的股東和董事等), 所有權/管理背景(包含董事基本信息、民事訴訟等),營運(包含產業類別、總覽、營運概要、擬議的業務活動、辦公室、員工人數等), 關系企業 (包含關聯企業基本信息、民事訴訟等),實地調查詳情(包含辦公室布局、房產內部情況、財務、往來銀行信息等), 公共記錄(包含民事訴訟、註冊/抵押等),事務歷史記錄(包含抵押指數、擔保債務、交易記錄等),其它訊息,風險評等(包含風險水平、風險等級等,請注意,該項依據獲取企業財報情況來定),商譽和業務趨勢,摘要等。

Including: business highlights (identification, highlights, financial factors) , risk assessment (risk evaluation, credit risk evaluation parameters, payment information, this item is determined based on the company's financial report) , relevant events (negative events) , financial information (listed company) , business management (management) , business relationship (shareholders, business structure) , activity features (activity/operation, company registry, bank connections) , additional information.

9-13工作日-working days

我已查閱報告樣本,且已閱讀 《信用報告購買協議》,並認同我司協議內容,確定購買該企業報告。 I have read the report sample, and have read the 《Credit Report Purchase Agreement》, and agree with the contents of the agreement, and confirm the purchase of the enterprise report.


The payment methods we support are: Alipay, WeChat, PayPal, Payoneer

其他產品推薦 Other Product Recommendation:

Ⅰ.公司調查報告 Company Investigation Report

* 簡單版本-Brief Report
* 詳細版本-Detailed Report
* 專業版-Professional Report
* 企業信用報告-Credit Report

Ⅱ.人員調查報告 Personnel Investigation Report

* 董事名下在港公司 Director Hong Kong Company
* 香港公司主要人員報告-Hong Kong Company Key Personnel Report
* 香港公司最終受益人報告-Hong Kong Company UBO Report

Ⅲ.定制服務 Customized Service

* 定制报告 Customization Report
* 董事關聯香港公司調查報告-Hong Kong Companies Related to Directors Report
* 批量查詢多家香港公司現任股東信息-The Information of Current Shareholders of Several Hong Kong Companies Report

Ⅳ.年卡套餐 Annual Card

* 簡單版本年卡 Brief Version Annual Card
* 詳細版本年卡 Detailed Version Annual Card
* 專業版本年卡 Professional Version Annual Card